by Christian Lawson May 30, 2024 2 min read

Aligners are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to metal braces, but need to be kept clean at all times to ensure good oral hygiene, fresh breath and successful orthodontic treatment. Common questions facing oral appliance users include: what can I clean my aligners with and how do I get rid of bad breath caused by using aligners? 

Whilst it’s recommended to clean your oral appliance regularly with ultrasonic technology at home, Zima Dental’s Zima Fresh has been formulated for maintaining good oral hygiene when out and about. A natural oral spray for bad breath (halitosis), dry mouth and preserving healthy teeth and gums.

The truth behind oral appliance use

Regular use of oral appliances creates an environment ripe for bacterial growth, paving the way for plaque build-up and the potential onset of cavities. This can lead to gum inflammation, damage to the structural integrity of your teeth and unwelcome bad breath.

Zima Fresh, a minty mouth spray, has been specifically designed with anti-microbial and anti-plaque ingredients, such as xylitol, to improve your oral hygiene on the go. Zima Dental’s scientifically backed formulation remineralises your teeth, while leaving the mouth minty fresh and deodorised without any exposure to harmful ingredients.

Our ingredients explained


A sweetener that works by tricking oral bacteria, such as Mutans Streptococci (commonly found on plastic oral appliances), into thinking it's food, but since they can't actually digest it, they starve to death. Xylitol also promotes saliva production, which flushes away food particles, reducing the risk of gum disease.

Sodium bicarbonate

An alkaline agent that neutralises acids and helps reduce the risk of tooth decay and enamel damage. 

Vitamin C 

A compound that plays a pivotal role in maintaining healthy gum connective tissues. Deficiencies can lead to bleeding gums and gum disease.

Vitamin D3

A compound vital to the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus, crucial for bone and tooth mineralisation. 

Vitamin E 

A compound proven to help combat Periodontitis, an inflammatory disease affecting the soft tissues and bone surrounding teeth. It works to kill bacteria and stimulate the immune system, helping to prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Vitamin K2

A compound that supports the growth of fresh dentin, the calcified tissue underneath the enamel of the tooth, which helps slow the rate of age-related tooth loss.

Copper Sulfate

A mineral that inhibits acid formation in dental plaque biofilm, which can significantly reduce the risk of acidogenicity and plaque-related issues.

Zinc Gluconate

An element found in saliva, dental plaque, and dental enamel, it contributes to healthy teeth formation by helping to reduce demineralisation in teeth. 

Manganese Gluconate

A crucial cofactor for numerous enzymes, including those involved in immune response, bone formation, and blood clotting. It contributes to fighting periodontal disease, improving tooth and bone health, and preventing demineralisation. 

Mentha Piperita (Peppermint Oil)

A natural flavouring added for a minty fresh taste and for its soothing properties.

For further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Zima Dental customer service team using the link here.

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